Data visulization
Weaving sweaters was the process by which my grandmother expressed her love for me. I hoped to use the same way to explain my love to her. My grandmother can receive the silent love information from me through touching the different fabric notes.
For this reason, I weaved infant children’s sounds into fabric infant notes. Although she can not see the fabric score, she can feel the sense of my love through touching of the familiar materials.
Why do I want to weave the children’s songs?
It remains a stimulus for recalling the deep love between us. I imagine the comfort in my grandmother’s voice as she sang to me, when I would fall sleep. The common thread between my grandmother and me is sweaters that she wove for me, and infant music. Thus, I wove those infant music notes into different gifts of fabric to show my emotion towards my grandmother.
I selected seven nursery rhymes, from the songs my grandmother liked to sing to me. Music has seven pitches. each fabric symbol corresponds to those 7 pitches, or musical notes.
Correspond with "Flying to the moon" & Screening printing.
Created with Yin Chen
Research Questions:
why do traditional Chinese people use the size of paper for book design? What is the relationship between Chinese paper size and the international standard nowadays?
The exploration results:
The reason for the ancient Chinese people using the size for book is that they want to make use of the paper in the most efficient way. In addition, The other findings are, first, there is a consistency between the western and the traditional Chinese typography. Second, the unique relationship between the traditional page layout is the same size and the proportion of the face of Chinese people.
The location of the Fishtall in the traditional typing area is identical to that of the central point between the eyebrows on the face and the page number in the traditional Chinese books which is exactly located on the buccal fissure, whilst the vertex of the eyebrow is an important part on people's face.
The work also exhibit in China Central Academy of Fine Arts, beijing and Fresh media show, Boston at 2014
Due to the differences of the size and the structure of the nasal cavity and vital capacity of human kind, the jet speed of sneezing is also different. Therefore, the sound of sneezing may be different and can sound like ‘A~Qi’, ‘A~Tii’ or ‘A~Qui’. By using the digital media, I reconstruct the relationship between sound and image.
I used Max to connect those differnt sneezingelements into a complete music. The music is made by the composition of voice of sniffing and sneezing from 50 invidual volunteers. The software used is AudioMulch.
Sep, 2012
Required Course: Layout Design
Text: Album from Cui Jian
Cui Jian's rock music is personalized and stylish. It well represents the characteristic of a time(1980s) in China. Every time when I listen to it. It always brings me a shock in my deep heart.
Firstly, collected newspaper on dead celebrities, and then collage them together. Thirdly, I used copy machine to re-print those collages for 80 times. gradually, the images in the collages became faded. This six pictures I picked that demonstrate my design process. The design process from the plane to solid implies that celebrities are doomed to be a creation as time goes by.
About Yin Cut (Intaglio)
Yin carving is not easy to be worn away as time goes by.
About Yang Cut (Carving)
Yang Carving is easier to be worn away as time goes by.