Developing a service for swapping of spare item.
The motivation for this project is twofold, firstly, each year a substantial number of international students finish their oversea studies and return back to their home country. As the studies come to an end so does the need for many of the items students have purchased during their time abroad. My research highlights the fact that many graduates simply dump items, still usable and in good condition, because of luggage restrictions or no further purpose.
The aim of this project is to enable the sharing behaviour amongst students and to optimise the value of second-hand items. The service proposal encourages the swapping of spare items, raises the awareness of the increased carbon footprint due to unnecessary waste and also enables the students to join a network of likeminded friends.
User Shadowing and User journey map
In order to understand the whole process of sharing behavior, including understanding the different parts of donating and receiving. I used 'user shadowing' to gain insights from one of the existing sharing processes in student accommodation.
Observation(Student Accommodation, Charity ships, house share, flea market. The purpose of this research is to observe 1: Identify current situation of graduate students dealing with their extra items. 2 What are the barriers in sharing or trading the items. 3: Exploring possibilities of engaging them in a wider sharing community.
Target Group: Graduation students and New students.
What are their needs?
The barriers in sharing or trading extra items for graduation students is that they lack the information of the potential buyer or receiver of the items. They are not familiar with the value of sharing items and how it can help you live green and make the best use of items with the painpoint of time limitation during the graduation season.
The first idea was to develop an independent application which supports graduation students sharing their extra items, as well as new students discover the stuff they want.
There were seven main pages in the platform, and divided into four parts:
-Welcome page
-Upload item with label template and users profile
-Discover page
-Message system
User Journey Map
According to different personas, I gathered their informations in different stages in user journey map.
Concept: Explored water consumption within the home and how people could interact with potential water sensing systems.
Consider detailed patterns of water usage for the individual, the home and the wider community to enable behavior change for more sustainable water consumption using IOT and connected IOT Devices.
Apply user experience design thinking to produce a service proposition that addresses domestic water consumption to conserve water and shift demand.
Role: Identified target users, interview stakeholders, build key
wireframes and user flow and finish high-fidelity interface design.
Older people are particularly vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness owing to loss friends and family, mobility or income. It can actually seriously harm our physical health too and loneliness is affecting a significant proportion of population: over 800,00people in America say that they feel lonely all or most of the time.
Gap of the elderly and isolation.
Connecting the problem with new technology to prevent loneliness in advance.
1 Client: Minim | STARTUP
Demystifying the IoT Empowering consumers with smart home security
Company: Proximity lab
My responsibility in our team: My role focused on creating a high-quality animation transition work with AfterEffect(Motion in UX design).
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2 Client: Amadeus
Best Laid Plans: building a modern and unified System.
Company: Proximity lab
My responsibility in our team: high-quality animation transition work with AfterEffect.
launched product web:
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Dynamic Logo Design
Click the link to see the re-launched logo design.
Our Story and requirement: Proximity Lab is an award-winning interaction design studio with a 25-year track record providing product strategy, user experience design and front-end development to trusted brands and startups. At the beginning of August, we re-launched our site and I focused to re-design the new animated logo.
Time: 2 weeks